Sip on homemade alcohol made using pot still distillation

Your love for trying out various types of alcohols and spirits should enable you to create your own heady beverages at home, and you can surely sip on homemade alcohol made using pot still distillation. All you need is safe and efficient alcohol distillation equipment that uses the pot distillation method to extract strong and delectable alcohols and spirits out of your fermented mash.

Various types of strong alcohols and spirits have been distilled since centuries by avid or expert distillers and then sold to equally avid drinkers all across the globe. While commercial distillers produce various types of alcoholic beverages on a very large scale, several countries also allow enthusiastic home brewers and distillers to produce alcohol drinks on a small scale in their own homes, garages, or backyards. If you too are a true alcohol connoisseur that truly want to create various heady beverages in your own home then you can either construct an alcohol still or simply buy your own alcohol distillation still to distill your fermented mash in a safe and cost-effective way.

There are various types of distillation processes such as column still distillation, reflux still distillation, etc but for small-scale production of alcohols and spirits, pot still distillation is the best method. This method involves boiling the fermented mixture or mash that you would have already prepared, over a heat source such as an electric or gas stove. The mash is boiled inside a copper, glass, or stainless steel pot and hence the name. The boiling process ensures that alcohol or ethanol present in the mash containing water, yeast, and your chosen ingredients, starts to evaporate at around 78 degrees Celsius while water has a boiling point of 100 degrees. This ensures that water, yeast, and other ingredients are left behind in the pot while ethanol fumes reach towards the top of the pot in vapor form, which is then diverted into a pipe before being condensed back into liquid form.

Since this form of distillation is quite simple, most home kits use pot still distillation to separate alcohol from the mash. Commercial production of various alcoholic beverages that use other distillation methods require complex plumbing as well as trays fitted at various levels inside the column to collect different substances that vaporize at different temperatures. For your home production, copper, glass, and stainless steel pots can be used to boil the mash and you should choose a material based on your specific needs. While glass pots require additional care to ensure that they do not break, copper is prone to corrosion after a few years of service. Stainless steel is the best material that can resist corrosion as well as last for a lifetime while delivering strong and heady alcohol with each batch. You should also ensure that your alcohol distillation process remains safe due to the presence of effective packing and filters to ensure that only pure and safe alcohols and spirits are delivered into the collector vessel after successful completion of each distillation process.

If you truly want to have fun in trying your hand at producing several delicious alcohols and spirits such as whisky, rum, vodka, and brandy, among others in your own home, then you will also need matching distillation equipment. For small scale production of heady alcoholic beverages, you should simply opt for the pot still distillation process while ensuring that you install a matching pot still that allows potent yet smooth alcohol droplets to fall into your collector vessel.

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