If your heating, distilling, absorption, regeneration, or other type of tower or column does not perform to perfection in rewarding you with higher and purer yields then you can truly pack your column packing troubles away with intalox packing. This innovative column packing can certainly boost your liquid vapor distribution process and ensure that only the right chemicals exit out into the designated vessels.
The brand name Intalox is registered to Kosh-Glitsch LP located in USA and several other countries worldwide. The company offers a host of equipment for towers and columns including trays, random and structured packing, column internals, and several other innovative products. The company offers various types of packing under their intalox range such as their intalox ultra packing that is a metal packing in a unique twisted shape that offers the lowest pressure drop against the highest stripping, absorption, and distilling efficiency. This random packing also offers higher strength to weight ratio.
Another innovative intalox packing is the IMTP high performance packing that is made in stainless steel and again offers excellent strength to weight ratio, thus making it suitable for packing in beds even if they are 50 feet deep. This packing also ensures low pressure drops that will ensure high savings in energy. Another ingenious product is the intalox hy-pak metal packing that is produced in a cylindrical shape and offers excellent services during scrubbing, absorption and stripping. Various ribs inside each packing provides high mechanical strength and this packing too results in low pressure drops. Another product that is similar in shape is the flexiring metal packing that can easily replace pall rings in your column or tower in a very cost effective manner. This packing has low sensitivity to vapor and liquid distribution, which in turn makes it ideal for use with traditional liquid distributors.
Since each intalox packing made by Kosh-Glitsch has truly proved its mettle during the years, several other manufacturers too have been offering various forms of packing such as saddles, rings, etc under the intalox name. They also offer such packing in various materials such as different types of plastics, metals, and ceramics. However, you will need to separate the original user of this trademark from look-alikes so that you can end up with a packing that has been made by Kosh-Glitsch. You can surely use the internet to educate yourself on the wide range of products made by this innovative company and then choose a packing that is suitable for your specific needs. Whether you belong to the chemical, petrochemical, water purification, or natural gas industry, among others, you will surely find an intalox product that can easily improve the efficiency of your tower or column in a truly cost effective manner.
If your manufacturing process requires you to run a distillation, absorption, stripping, heating, or regeneration tower or column then your certainly need column packing that can boost your yield in a completely safe and energy efficient manner. You can surely pack your column packing troubles away with intalox packing provided you make sure that you purchase your packing from Kosh-Glitsch that holds all the required trademarks for each innovative packing.
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