Invention Prevent Spread of Swine Flu

As you probably know already we constantly develop new products.

On the way now i 3 new product lines, you will find a quiet test sale of one of them on This is for a cold sparkling alcohol free drink.

There will be another product line for at hot alcohol free drink, probably in June.

New Absinthes and mini bulk essences for hobby and micro distilleries are other news for 2009 that is already available.

We are working on a complete product line based on a new Swedish invention, cationic food grade polymer. This is water soluble and glue to all material so hard that it even stays under water. Our estimation is that it will stay on a surface for probably over 10 years.

Cationic polymer is a plastic that is positively charged. All bacteria, virus, staphylococcus, sponge, mold, algae, moss etc. are negatively charged. They can not live on a positively charged surface. For example if a swine flu virus hits the surface, it glues to it and dies. Without any poison, from the electrical charging.

We are working to make products for 3 areas:

To protect house, roofs, buildings etc from sponge, algae, moss etc. Protects from all of those and longer that any poison.

To stop Salmonella spread in food industry and restaurants. Spray all surfaces and diseases can not spread from one piece of food to next one placed on the same surface.

To stop disease spread at doctors, hospitals etc. Where many sick people use the same toilets etc. Just spray and wipe clean – replace old Spray cleaner with our product Smittstopp – and a positively charged surface stop all bacteria, virus etc to spread from surface to next human. Use it on tap, door handle, light switch, toilet flush button etc.

Then the Swine Flu arrived

Close to the same day we had Smittstop (the name means Stop Disease Spreading in Swedish) produced the Swine flu started. Sale in Sweden jump started as people sprayed the surgical masks (most of those only give 98% or less protection) and used Smittstopp to prevent spread in toilets etc.

You can order Smittstopp from You can order Smittstopp freight free and we will start ship with English labels the 5th of May 2009.

This is a invention and there is currently no other competing products. We are the producers so there is no middlemen increasing the price. Our production is limited so we can not supply huge quantities to other countries – but we can supply the cationic polymer to any one interested for their own production. We have no problem supplying one or a few at a time directly to end user.

To test function is very easy and cheap using the “test plates” for food hygienic test.  Apply Smittstopp in a frequently used toilet on taps, door handle etc. Wait until heavy used, plate sample and send to laboratory and grow. There will be nothing, zero. Even if one take a handle inside a public buss, wait 3 weeks and take a sample – nothing. Any interested importer are urged to this test – result is simply amazing.

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