Absinthe is best made diluted with sugar but there are 2 different ways to offer it with sugar. Learn how to drink Absinthe with sugar by following these instructions and tips.
The Ritual or La Louche
This approach of preparing Absinthe is the way that Absinthe was served in its heyday while in the 19th century and early 20th century carbonatedwaterathome. Eventhough it was sometimes employed in cocktails or consumed “straight”, the most famous strategy to drink Absinthe was to utilize the “Ritual”.
To produce the ideal Absinthe, you’ll need:-
– Absinthe – Real Absinthe which contains wormwood.
– A large glass or proper Absinthe glass.
– A cuillere (absinthe spoon) – This is usually a perforated or slotted spoon.
– A cube of sugar.
– A carafe of iced water.
Pour a shot of Absinthe to the glass (Note: A number of Absinthe glasses have markings or a bulge to show the correct volume of Absinthe, in any other case use 25-50ml).
Place the sugar over the spoon and rest the spoon over the rim of the glass.
Gradually drip, rather than pour, the iced water on the sugar, letting it to dissolve and drip on the Absinthe.
As the water mixes in the Absinthe it comes with an effect known as the louche. The essential oils from the herbal substances in the Absinthe aren’t soluble in water and thus cause the drink to become milky or cloudy or “louche”. This result can be fascinating to observe.
When you have added the water (a ratio of 3:1 to 5:1 water to Absinthe is good) you can the stir your drink and enjoy the taste of the Green Fairy.
Unique variations of Absinthe louche in a different way and Absinthes with a high essential oil content, such as the Absinthe produced from the orange oil Absinthe essence from AbsintheKit.com, louche attractively.
How to drink Absinthe with sugar when using the Bohemian Technique or Czech Strategy
This method is in fact simply the Ritual with a present day twist. It isn’t thought to be an appropriate means of serving Absinthe but has become favored by the younger generation of Absinthe drinkers who have seen it performed in bars in the Czech Republic.
To arrange Absinthe in this way, you should have:-
– Absinthe – an inexpensive one will do, high proof ones can be a bit risky!
– An Absinthe glass
– An Absinthe spoon
– A cube of sugar
– A lighter or match
– A carafe of ice cold water
Pour a shot of Absinthe in to the glass.
Dip the sugar cube in the Absinthe, put on spoon and then set it alight.
Let the sugar caramelize, melt and drip into the Absinthe source. (Please note it can easily set the Absinthe on fire!).
Slowly drip the iced water into your Asbinthe, watch the louche and then stir with the spoon.
Appreciate your Bohemian Absinthe.
There are many tutorials and video guides online showing you how to drink Absinthe with sugar and there are also many sites that sell Absinthe and Absinthe products. AbsintheKit.com sell true wormwood essences to make your individual Asbinthe and they also sell replica Absinthe glasses and spoons to help you give your Asbinthe experience a little bit of culture!
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