Extract essential oils with the best in steam distillation apparatus

If you wish to extract heavenly aromatic oils from various plants as a hobby or even as a profession then you can surely extract essential oils with the best in steam distillation apparatus. This apparatus will help you to separate and extract essential oils using the distillation process and the extracted oils can then be used in your own home or also supplied to manufacturers of various allied products.

In your haste to extract aromatic oils from various plants such as eucalyptus, lavender, basil, peppermint, etc, you might simply end up boiling them directly, which in turn will lead to their decomposition before they can release their hidden oils. However, if you blend these plants in water and boil them in the right distillation apparatus then you will not only prevent their decomposition but will also be able to extract their essential oils while lowering their boiling point at the same time. While steam distillation is widely used on a commercial basis in the petrochemical and petroleum industry, you can easily use home-distilling equipment to produce essential oils as well as produce distilled water right at home.

If you are new to distilling then you should simply opt to buy your steam distillation apparatus instead of trying to construct your own. The main reason behind this vital tip is that distilling requires continuous and often repeated boiling that also releases steam, both of which can cause severe injuries if attempted on untested apparatus. There are several stores including online ones that sell such apparatus including those used for laboratory experiments. You should choose the apparatus that best suits your own requirements as well as falls within your stipulated budget.

You can browse through various types of steam distillation apparatus made from a large variety of materials such as glass, copper, or stainless steel. While glass apparatus does look good, it does require extreme care to ensure that there is no breakage due to a careless blow. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat but requires additional maintenance to keep it clean while stainless steel is simply the best option as it offers ease of maintenance and can easily last for a lifetime with proper care. You should opt for the distillation apparatus that offers a vertical design so as to ensure a compact footprint in your home or garage. You should also opt for distillation equipment that does not allow high pressures to build up so that you can safely extract your chosen oils without any problems.

You should also opt for steam distillation equipment that allows you to distill other products such as water or even alcohols or spirits provided you are legally allowed to do so in your country, state, or city. There are select online stores that sell such apparatus made out of stainless steel that has been tested and used for several years. Such apparatus will help you to quickly convert various plants growing in your garden into wonderful perfumed oils that can help refresh your own home or can also be sold to manufacturers of allied products such as soaps, candles, creams, lotions, etc.

The flowers and plants growing in your backyard or garden can provide you much more than a wonderful natural view. You can certainly extract essential oils from these plants with the best in steam distillation apparatus and can now engage in a wonderful new hobby that can also pay back the money invested for your apparatus.

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